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Custom search engine for a parts inventory system on a client's intranet. It integrates information from Oracle and SQL Server databases in Florida and the UK. (Graphics by Revolution Design.)

WORK IN PROGRESS: This database driven e-commerce site, developed in conjunction with Revolution Design, also includes an eloborate content management system for all areas of the site.

Site for a company where I also helped design several commercial applications (front and back end). I created the site design and all graphic elements on the site.

Survey web application for the National Association of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors. The backend database tracks over 350 fields of practitioner information for this national survey.

Original design (circa 1996) for the Psychology department at the University of South Florida. It is a deep site that uses top and side menus to facilitate navigation. (All graphics hand drawn.)

R  E  S  U  M  E         ::         C  O  N  T  A  C  T