748 days on
this web site without a serious injury. |
It's a miracle! I finally finished my boring
closing the tedious, ridiculously long academic chapter of my life.
Apologies for this lame and dated site (that I guess I'll keep until someone
at USF figures out that I've graduated).
My slightly less lame personal site is now up at www.RyanRusson.com
along with my blog:
Or... You could check out the old crap below.
Ryan's Top Ten Reasons to Live in Tampa
Visit Ryan's Virtual Friends
Pictures of my True Love...
Check out my CD Collection
Studying with Ryan
Pictures from the Family Photo Album
A Tribute to my Cars
Top Ten Motivations behind Psychology Dissertations
CHiP-SIG Webpages (a recent project)
(Bet you're wondering what the hell all them acronyms mean, huh?)
My Professional Work on the Web
All I want for X-mas
(Push a couple buttons and
your gift-giving problems are over.)
An ancient Curriculum Vitae
RyBlog5000: My lame forum for saying almost nothing
.Send harrassing mail to
(go ahead, make my day.)
And just in case you were bored enough to wonder...
You are Net Monkey # to waste time waiting for my pages to load.
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